Inbound Marketing

Inbound Marketing

256% increase in blog traffic

How we increased Intnet’s blog traffic by 256% in just 4 months!

Want to understand how Inbound Marketing can ensure the construction of an active lead base, increase in the number of organic hits and sales for a company?

VX did all this and also helped solidify Intnet brand in the Lake Region, where it operates as one of the main players in the telecommunications sector. Want to know how we did it? Follow our success story with Intnet!

Inbound Marketing

A little bit about the company

Intnet is one of the pioneers in the provision of broadband internet in the Lake District of Rio de Janeiro and, therefore, already had a long tradition in the cities where it operated. As time went by and new competitors appeared, Intnet realized that they needed to invest in a differential: the partnership with their customers and the provision of quality services.

Intnet has its own server, which makes the connection much better for those who use the internet locally, reducing the provider’s response time. In addition, it offers broadband internet with fiber optic connection, which ensures more security in the exchange of customer data, more speed and less possibility of being affected by external electromagnetic signals.

Implementing Inbound Marketing

When VX received Intnet, it soon proposed the challenge of developing the company’s Inbound Marketing, seeking to make the brand a reference on the Internet for the region they operate and making easier for the company to gain even more relevance in the sector.

Thus, we invested in the solid creation of a blog full of news of interest to the user. Information such as security, connectivity and internet speed were the themes adopted in the blog posts, helping the audience to learn more about the different types of broadband internet and to understand that, nowadays, the fastest and safest way to connect is through optical fiber.

In a short time, we managed to rank several posts for various keywords in the SERP and in privileged positions, such as Google position 0.

The blog gradually grew with posts that always attracted the interest of readers, increasing the number of blog sessions more and more.

Allied to the constant updating of the blog, we created a base of subscribers interested in receiving news shots and thematic newsletters with the most attractive blog posts, as well as automations related to the subscribers’ interest.

Due to the work and concern of always offering quality content, we managed to build a blog with pertinent information focused on the questions of Intnet’s potential customers.
In February, by updating specific posts, we more than doubled the number of hits on the blog compared to the previous month.

In March, keeping the strategy constant, we managed to considerably increase the number of sessions on the blog, almost tripling the number of hits.

The graph below shows the growth experienced by the Intnet blog from February to May.

Search Console showed an increase of over 77% in impressions from February to March, indicating organic increase due to ranking posts on assertive and diverse keywords.

In addition, we saw a 3.2% increase in CTR, indicating that the growth in the number of impressions also increased the chances of an individual accessing Intnet’s blog by seeing it in searches.
At the turn of March to April, new increases: from 11,000 clicks, we rose to 17,400, indicating an increase of more than 58% in clicks for the month.

In addition, there has been an increase of over 38% in the number of link impressions from the Intnet blog, indicating that we are ranking higher and higher – and better – on the keywords most used by the audience.

Strategies used

We heavily invested in Intnet’s Inbound, maintaining constant and frequent new posts on the blog and sending out constant e-mail marketing especially focused on content.

Rich materials

In addition, the production of downloadable rich materials stimulated the capture of leads through interesting content that really attracts the attention of Intnet’s potential customers.

This type of content has generated and continues to generate a great volume of leads every month for Intnet, as shown in the graph below.

Social Media and more

Intnet also chose to invest in ads that would increase the chances of reaching potential customers for the company. These ads involved both online and offline media, aligning all the ways the company presented itself to the audience.

This alignment was important for the Intnet brand to be recognized and understood as one, in any medium.

The use of Content Marketing

Intnet uses Content Marketing strategies on both the blog and social networks, developing posts that are convenient for the target audience and are aligned with their interests, while encompassing Intnet’s products and services.

We can see the efficiency of the content, especially in the blog, when we realize that, only in May, the posts ranked for 400 different keywords in the SERP, being 99 in positions 1 to 3 and 301 in positions 4 to 10.

What about sales?

Intnet has managed to generate an excellent result in sales in recent months, with the exception of cases in which the consumer does not see the advantages of making an immediate contract with the company (such as February 2019, the month that preceded Carnaval and generated a drop in sales).

And what is the secret?

After several months of marketing efforts, we achieved great results in organic hits, paid media investment, social media and offline media strategically located in the cities where Intnet operates.

And in just 4 months, we increased the organic traffic of Intnet’s blog by 256%, with a good elaboration of the blog around interesting keywords for the company’s potential customer and building brand authority on the subject.

Want to reproduce these amazing results in your company? Regardless of the product, brand or business segment, Content Marketing, Inbound Marketing and Paid Media focused on the right audiences are the perfect measure to make your business really take off. Talk to us and be one more of our successful cases!

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