Promotion Case
Promotional Marketing

Promotion Case

Megapix Ambassadors Case

An excellent tool to help stimulate sales, promotional marketing spreads innovations and brings companies closer to their audience. The high competitiveness of the market and the increasing consumers demand require more and more effort from companies in various segments. After all, it is necessary to create situations and incentives to arouse the interest and confidence of the audience!

With a good strategic plan, it is possible to generate amazing results. How? By offering advantages associated with your brand to your audience. More than an offer or an incentive, it is necessary to provide a unique experience for the consumer. In times of the internet, online promotional actions are fundamental to generate engagement. And digital promotional marketing is essential to establish an efficient communication in digital media.
Since 2002 we have been working in the advertising market, from online to offline. Want to know more about our online promotional actions? Check out one of our successful cases!

Promotion Case

Digital Promotional Marketing Case: Megapix Ambassadors

At the request of Megapix TV channel, we developed a digital promotional marketing campaign targeted at active YouTube users. The channel has a strong presence on social media networks, especially on Twitter, and wanted to find ambassadors for its brand in this environment.

Where to start?

Our team got together to decide the best way to run the campaign. Since Megapix is known for its high interaction with users on social networks, especially on Twitter, we thought we should take advantage of this dynamics. The solution was to gamify the process to motivate users and promote engagement. So, we put together a fun and interactive strategy, in which the participant had to go through “phases”, until he/she finished the challenge, that is, “reset the game”. Megapix is known for its high interaction with users on social media networks

How to solve it?

The Megapix Ambassadors contest, created for YouTubers to participate in several “phases”, aimed to find ambassadors for the brand on social media networks. To participate, the user had to be a YouTuber, with no minimum number of subscribers on the channel, and also to have profiles on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. We created a hotsite and those interested in participating in the contest would go to the site, register their information and undergo the tests. After registering, the user was directed to a page that contained three stages through which he/she had to pass in order to compete for prizes. In the first stage, the YouTuber would go through three challenges, for example: – Tweet with the hashtag #EmbassadorsMegapix with 10+ likes; – Photo on Instagram with the hashtag #EmbassadorsMegapix, with reference to a movie from the channel + 10 likes; and – Facebook post with hashtag #EmbassadorsMegapix with + 10 likes. As the YouTubers completed the steps, they were approved by the moderator and could proceed to the next steps and complete the process.

What were the results?

Five winners were chosen: Camila Rech, Klaustrofobia TV, Projeto Corneta, Ingrid Gleize and Math o Tédio. The winners of the contest won R$ 5,000 in audiovisual products, the opportunity to produce Megapix content and a day pass – a visit to Megapix office. The promotion was valid from 07.07.2017 to 28.07.2017. In addition, the numbers of website hits and subscribers were quite impressive! During the promotion period there were:

+ 14,000

sessions on the site

+ 1,400

YouTubers registered in the promotion Adding up the number of participants’ followers, the estimated reach numbers of the promotion were:

+ 5,821,200

fans on Facebook

+ 1,122,500

followers on Twitter

+ 4,876,800

followers on Instagram

+ 16.052.726

subscribers on YouTube

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